Friday 10 April 2009

10th April 2009

I've been very remiss lately on spending time on Sabrina, mainly due to my longterm relationship breaking up in 2008. Not the best year of my life, still I have a new partner and she is 100% behind me getting Sabrina repaired on back on the water.

We have spent the weekend pumping her out, she had over 1' of water inside her, it took 3 hours and she didn't look in too bad a shape (little did I know how bad things were).

To stop her filling up again I decided to build a canopy for her out of 8' lengths of 3" x 5" timber and securing a large tarpaulin over it using shock cord, this was to prove invaluble and a lot more sturdy than I was to realise.

Below is a photo of the canopy a year later, its still standing to quote Elton John.