Sunday 11 April 2010

11th April 2010

I've spent most of the day cleaning up the rot behind the cockpit and cutting out the rotten piece of wood, as you can see from the following photo the rot is very bad:

I've spent so long cutting rotten bits out I decided to start putting something back together, there is a small locker below the wheel, all the ply had rotted and also one of the uprights.  The problem that I keep facing is find timber of the right thickness, 1" thick hardwood for example tends to be 22mm thick so I end up having to buy 2" (44mm) and planing it down.

I  made the new upright by doing that and then using a rebate cutter on my router, one thing i would say about doing a wooden boat up is that its a powertool-holics dream.  My current favourite tool is the thicknesser planer.

When I dismantled her I got a little impatient when doing the wardrobe in the front cabin and managed to break the upright that supported the marine ply, so I used the same method as with the locker to make a new upright.  I used a jigsaw to cut the base that clamps to the floor and am more than pleased with the result.